Saturday 7 February 2015

February TBR

Reading is my passion and for a long time I have been neglecting it. Apart from the to-read list by my literature classes, I haven't been reading enough!

In my last Blog post, I mentioned that I am reading more and I have made myself the promise to read at least 4 books in a month (comics and mangas included).

So I will be publishing my Monthly TBR (to be read) lists and afterwards I will let you know, how it's going and if I liked those books!

So for this Month’s TBR I have chosen:

1.      City of Ashes by Cassandra Clarke (2nd Book in the Mortal Instruments series),
2.      Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling,
3.      Life of Pi by Yann Martel,
4.       The Fellowship of the Ring by  J.R.R. Tolkien,
5.      Graphic Novel: Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance #1 (DC COMICS)

As for my list, I have been really excited to read these books, especially Life of Pi and the Graphic Novel. These are books, that at some point I started reading, but couldn't get through because of the wrong time or I just didn't feel like reading them yet.
But now it just feels right to read them, so hopefully I will read all of them! 
The month is short but, I have already read some pages of Harry Potter and The Fellowship of the Ring, so I am not too worried.
Even if I have some exams and term papers to write, I will find the time to read!

I will let you guys now, how it goes!

How about you, do you have monthly TBR’s and do you always read all of the books on you list? Let me know!:)

Lots of love,

Sweet fox

1 comment:

  1. I just began reading the Harry Potter books for the first time this past year and I am HOOKED :)

    Great blog!!
