Thursday 18 September 2014

My new adventures as a teacher

Never in my life did I imagine that one day, my purpose in life would be teaching children.
Don't get me wrong, I love children and they adore me to the core.
It was just, that throughout the years and me growing up, I might have forgotten myself and the person that I wanted to be.

There were a lot of negative people and experiences in my life, so I might have developed certain insecurities, which led me to feeling not worthy in teaching or even trying to teach.

Thanks to my inner strength and the people around me, I have found the will to at least try. I was not disappointed!

I met three lovely mothers and their adorable children. The mothers, my boss and me, we drank some lovely fruit tea  and discussed how they imagined, me teaching their children will be like.Afterwards it seems, that they have taken a liking to me and that has made me overjoyed.

I might have noticed the children peeking into the kitchen and smiled at them, which they interpreted as a sign "she wants to play with us". The eldest girl, pulled me by my sleeve and decided that I must play with them.

It was wonderful, I felt like Mary Poppins. We sang, we danced and laughed, talked about silly things and about learning. Right away they told me that I was their Fairy Godmother and that they wish to see me as soon as possible.

I might have already given my heart to these children. They have motivated me to become the best teacher they ever had. I hope that I can teach them with a lot of patience, love and fun. 

You will be hearing more of my experiences with those charming children and me transforming into Mary Poppins!

Lots of love,
